Sunday, June 10, 2012

New life...


Dear Waleed Sayang,
Today is the 55th day you sailing on the widest sea...
Every day I pray to Allah keep you in safe always from disaster, piracy and other circumstances.
Waleed...Insyallah...I wont let you miss out every moment about our daughter growth...
I m so sorry for late updating the progress...

so pretty when she sleepling

waleed...i m struggling reading book same like you when you study for exam.. 
 she cute when she wear sailor uniform??? hehehe

"like father like daughter..."

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Playing Badminton


Dear Waleed....

Yesterday I m crying coz want Maksu racket, so mama buy to me my own racket.
 Let's playing with me....I m so excited playing this game...


One racket for waleed and one for me....muwahhhhhh.....